Thursday, February 25, 2010

A Return to Higher Education

I would have never guessed that I would have the opportunity to return to college full time after 21 years. Being a Certified Occupational Therapist Assistant (COTA) during these decades has taught me one never know what you will be challenged with on a day to day basis. Returning to college full time, working 24 hours a week, homeschooling a child, and fulfilling the role of spouse and mother, is a bigger challenge than I'd ever imagined. Only Lord knows the timing is right, and doors are opened for me to do this right now. My days are full of education and I love it!
The weekend Occupational Therapy program at Utica College in Utica, New York, has given me the opportunity to delicately balance all the responsibilities in my life. Utica offers a full time program for COTA's with Associates Degree's in Occupational Therapy who are seeking to earn that coveted Masters Degree in their profession.
My husband (my biggest cheerleader on earth) has encouraged me to create a blog that highlights my experiences as I walk on this path. So, here I am...adding one more aspect of education to my life by educating my reading public...You! I hope my frustrations, enlightments, and joys can be documented for you, and maybe help someone else make that BIG decision to return to school after many, many, many years away from it.


  1. I'm right there with you cheering you on.!!! Good Luck!!

  2. You are blogging!! I am so proud of you! I look forward to reading about your life Liz.


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